Nutrition - The Medicine Of The Future

(Rated 11 times)

At a glance..

The medicine of the future will no longer be remedial, it will be preventive; not based on drugs but on the best diet for health. This document explores the issue: What is Optimum Nutrition?

The details..

"Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food" - Hippocrates. This quote from 2500 years ago still holds true today as we explore how optimum nutrition can prevent disease instead of just treating it with drugs. The author proposes that this type of nutrient therapy will become more widespread in tomorrow's medical field.

The book delves into orthomolecular nutrition which focuses on varying concentrations of "right molecules" such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids etc., to achieve or restore optimal health for every cell in our body. It highlights how deficiencies in these nutrients make us susceptible to diseases and degeneration.

Unlike toxic molecular medicine where doctors administer drugs at sub-lethal levels to cover up symptoms without eliminating their root cause, orthomolecular practitioners believe that a healthy micro-environment within each cell is essential for good health. Optimum daily nutritional requirements vary based on an individual's unique biochemical makeup determined by factors like diet, stress levels, environment etc.

Despite conflicting advice about what constitutes a healthy diet among self-serving propaganda from some parts of the food industry; official guidelines recommend low saturated fat diets high in complex carbohydrates with moderate protein intake.

Resource Info

Page count: 56
Size: 167kb
File Type: pdf


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